“Ijust got back from Miami,” the Los Angeles attorney Laura Wasser said the other day, as she led me into the offices of her firm, Wasser, Cooperman & Mandles, in Century City. Her long brown hair, worn girlishly loose down her back, twinkled with several strands of tinsel, an adornment that, she explained, had been given to her by her goddaughter during her trip. “All the kids are doing it,” Wasser said. “My friend was like, ‘Don’t you have a photo shoot when you get back? Wow, you really don’t give a fuck!’ ”
Wasser, who is fifty-four, is one of the highest-profile divorce lawyers in the country. She has represented some of the biggest celebrities of the past generation: Britney Spears during her split with Kevin Federline, Angelina Jolie during her divorce from Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp during his divorce from Amber Heard, and Kim Kardashian during her divorce from Kanye West, among them. The gossip Web site TMZ has dubbed her “the disso queen” for her facility in dissolving the unions of the rich and famous, and she is often featured on that site and on others like it, in conjunction with the relationship travails of her clients. (She begins every morning, she told me, by reading the Daily Mail, “where I get all my news.”) As managing partner at her firm—which was established by her father, Dennis Wasser, also a divorce lawyer—she is currently overseeing about a hundred cases. Wasser, Cooperman & Mandles’ offices were featured in Noah Baumbach’s 2019 divorce drama, “Marriage Story,” and Wasser was reportedly an inspiration for Laura Dern’s character in the movie, a kittenish attorney with a killer instinct.
In 2018, Wasser founded It’s Over Easy, an online divorce service. Earlier this year the venture was bought by Divorce.com, which has also named Wasser its “chief of divorce evolution.” Whether in her dealings with her celebrity clients, or in her role facilitating digital divorces for the common man, she’s concerned, she told me, with “the evolution of dissolution,” or how to make divorce, if not completely painless, then a bit less painful for all parties involved. “I want to normalize it a little,” she said. “It’s happening, and we need to make it better.” Wasser herself was married only once, briefly, in her twenties. She now has two sons, aged seventeen and twelve, whom she shares with two ex-partners, neither of whom she was married to, though she has warm relationships with both of them. “We’re a family,” she told me. Our conversation has been condensed and edited for clarity.
You’ve been practicing family law for how many years now?
Twenty-seven, twenty-eight. I graduated from law school in 1994. A long fucking time. [Laughs.]
How have you seen the American family change during that time?
They say the law is always the last thing to change. We are definitely seeing fewer people getting married, or people getting married older. More families are having children without necessarily getting married, and then, of course—and I think this is great—we’re seeing [blended] families. I have two kids, with two different men. I wasn’t married to either one of them. I got married once—it was great. I was twenty-five. I looked great. I’ll never look better than I did at twenty-five at the Bel-Air Hotel. But I do think that the way people perceive marriage and family has changed, and, for my purposes, what I would love to have happen is to be able to effectuate that in terms of family law.
So, you think people are less likely to marry? They might have some kind of agreement, either oral or an understanding, have children maybe, but not necessarily go to the courthouse?
I think people are less likely to let the state become involved in their relationship. We still have people who have the princess-bride wedding dream, but I also think people are much more willing to accept, O.K., this ended, we’re not dying at forty-five anymore, we’re dying at a hundred and something, and so it’s much harder to say, till death do us part. I think people are much more accepting of the idea of divorce and a next chapter, and more importantly the idea of combining a family. And I think that’s really important because, frankly, the more people to love your kids, the better.
You say you want to see this recognized in the legal system. What would that mean?
I would like to see something where, if people aren’t married, maybe they can still get a tax break if they’ve got kids together. I would like to see things with health care and hospitals, where you don’t need to get married in order to get a certain kind of insurance or to be next of kin when the loved one and the father of your three children is on his deathbed. So it takes a while, but also, it’s taken a while for divorce to change. If you ask, what’s the biggest change in my world, it’s been doing things remotely, and doing things online, like with Divorce.com.
You’re the chief of divorce evolution for Divorce.com. What does that mean?
There are two reasons why it’s so hard to get divorced. First is that we, divorce attorneys, make a ton of money by spouting all these code sections and ta-da-da-da-da. But the other reason is that the founding fathers didn’t want people to get divorced. It was sacrilegious, and if you were a divorced woman in society in the eighteen-hundreds you were pelted with rocks or whatever. But that’s not the case anymore, and if you look at the statistics, how can it still be so taboo? How can it still be so difficult to do? How do we still need to be hiring attorneys at a thousand dollars an hour?
Is that your rate?
Uh-huh. I know. [Laughs.] But I try to be really good.
I’m sure you’re worth every penny. [Laughs.]
But I say to clients all the time, the more you argue, the more conflict there is, the more I get paid. I drive a Porsche. I’m wearing Alaïa. I’m good. Let’s work this out and get you through this. And, look, there are colleagues of mine who do not have that feeling. I say this all the time: he’s making money off churning those fees and arguing over Wednesday nights or what school, or vaccinations—that’s been a big one in the past couple of years.
Or TikTok. [Laughs.] Sorry.
Right! [Laughs.] But if you educate people, and they understand what’s coming for them in any given state where they can live . . . I think people kind of espouse this more with custody. I have fewer custody battles now because I think people start going to some kind of therapist or family counsellor as they’re splitting up, because they know I’m not gonna know what’s best for their kid, and some dude in a black robe who’s never met their kid and is probably forty years older than them for sure won’t know, so let’s figure it out amongst ourselves. So that needle has moved a bit, but other needles haven’t moved, and I want to figure out how to do that. If that’s the one thing I can do on this planet besides raising my kids, that’ll be good.
Make divorce easier?
Easier and—Well, look, and then I get all the hate mail from the Christian right.
Do you, really?
Yes, especially after It’s Over Easy and Divorce.com. Then they look at me, at my “illegitimate kids,” my “bastards,” and whatever. But, look, they’re pretty good people, my kids, they’re very well-adjusted, they’re kind, they’re smart, their dads are awesome. Two weeks ago I went to my older son’s dad’s wedding.
Was it his first marriage?
Yeah, because we weren’t married.
And do you like the wife?
I love her. And she makes him better. Like I said, it’s all good, even for my younger son, who David is not the father of. When I was in trial and my younger son’s dad was somewhere, David went to circle time with Jack. Like, we are a family.
So . . . how? [Laughs.] I mean, you out of everyone would know about the potential feelings of animosity, jealousy, and hostility that arise with new partners, and with sharing children. How do you counsel your clients that this is what a family is right now, it’s the new reality, don’t hold onto whatever was?
Bunches of people come to me, when I speak at law schools, too, and tell me, My parents went through such an acrimonious divorce. And I say, O.K., let’s start there. Didn’t that suck for you? So that’s the first thing, watching what our folks have done before us and either wanting to be like them—because my parents had the best, most civil, respectful relationship—or not wanting to, and doing it differently. Everybody who comes in here and has kids says, My kids are the most important thing, and then they immediately pull out their financial statements and start talking about how much money they’re either gonna get or give. [Laughs.] And I go, let’s get back to your kids for a minute. I think you rise above. One of the reasons I’m able to do it is that I’m very confident in the law, and I think I also don’t have the fear financially because I’m self-supporting, so I never had to worry about that either, and that’s why I also counsel people, young women especially, Make your own money, dude. You’ve got to be able to make your own money. And if you have to give up whatever [your] career is, then we make a deal for how that’s gonna work. I think prenups are really important. Even if you don’t have a prenup, have the conversations that you would have if you were having the prenup, because communication is the reason that most marriages break down, more than anything else.
How much of your work is the pre-stuff?
We do a lot of prenups at this firm because we’re known for writing really good prenups. There was some movie where they had “The Massey Prenup” [the Coen Brothers’ “Intolerable Cruelty”] that was apparently based on the Wasser prenup. I mean, they’re really really good, and I can say that because I’m usually not the one who drafts them, two of my partners are amazing at drafting prenuptial agreements. It’s a very different kind of law because these are people who are getting married, not divorced. We do a lot of them, but those are fast, a month or two. A divorce case will take a year, eighteen months. That’s average for a divorce. I have major A.D.D., if it goes on longer than that I start to get, like, C’mon, let’s move this along. It shouldn’t take longer than that, it really shouldn’t. Even with how slow our court system is. If you look at what’s going on in our judicial system, like this case that is happening right now in Virginia [the Amber Heard–Johnny Depp trial], the amount of resources that have gone to that—six weeks it’s been going on.
Has a verdict come down yet?
Not as of the time I left the house this morning.
It wasn’t in the Daily Mail.
Well, not just the Daily Mail, I have people who are texting me about it. I really don’t care that much, I don’t have that much to do with it. I have my own personal feelings about it.
Can you share them?
No. [Laughs.]
What are some of the hazards, so called, of dealing with very high-profile, high-net-worth people? How is it different from dealing with a normal divorce case?
In California, the minute a divorce is filed, it’s public. So that’s when you see the Daily Mail, TMZ, whatever. Let me back into it by saying this. You know when they say, Stars, they’re just like us? Everybody really is very much the same. We are all scared, we are all angry, we are all heartbroken. We all want to make sure our kids are O.K., we’re O.K. And whether you’re going, Oh, my god, who am I going to walk the red carpet at the Oscars with, or do I still get to go to the Met Gala if I’m not with him anymore? Or who do I go to the firm’s Labor Day party with, or what if I get drunk and Xerox my butt because I don’t have my spouse there with me? It’s all relative. I always say divorce is the great equalizer. The flip side of that is, famous people, rich people—they’re not used to hearing no. I can’t tell you yes. I’m not gonna blow sunshine up your ass. I’ve had people say, I don’t like her, I don’t think we’re a good fit, she didn’t tell me what I wanted to hear. And a lot of times those people will circle back or their rep will and say, Wow, she really should have stuck with you, because you told her how it was gonna be, and you were right.
Do you think it’s harder for a woman in your position? In terms of being looked at under a microscope, or feeling that you need to keep up in ways that a man might not? Stay fit, dress a certain way, watch yourself in certain ways that a man wouldn’t? Or is that in some ways fun for you? You’re obviously really stylish, for one.
That’s a perk of the job, because I make money and I like to spend it on clothes. It’s my thing. I’m sure there are fifteen family-law attorneys that would say it’s been harder because they’re a woman. I’ve never seen it that way. My dad was my mentor. He still comes in here once in a while. Wasser is him, that’s not even me, even though it’s my firm now. I have a brother, too, and [our dad] was always, like, You can do anything that a dude can do—do it. Have I sometimes played to my strengths? Yeah! I mean, I’m not gonna go to court looking crappy, I’m going to look the best I can, because I want to look nice, not just if there are photographers there. I don’t dress or work out so people will take a picture of me, I do it because I hope I’m going to get laid. [Laughs.]
There was one time when I was in court—most of my colleagues for a long time were older than me. I was trying a case, and I was at counsel table. I was probably in my thirties, and the [other] guy, he had said to me the day before, when we were trying to settle, and I said, I’m sorry, we’re not willing to agree to that, and I was representing the guy, actually. And he said to me, I’ve gotta tell you something, Laura Wasser. You may be prettier than me, and wear better clothes than me—this was a man and he was probably twenty years older than me—and he goes, But I’ve been doing this for thirty-five years, and I’m going to win. And I went, O.K.!, and I thought to myself, That’s what you picked? That I’m prettier and that I wore nicer clothes? Those were your things? So we went in, and we tried the case, and I could see how it was going, and as the judge was reading his decision, which was a much lower spousal support payment that my client was going to pay to his client, I leaned over and I said, how does it feel? I’m prettier than you, I wear nicer clothes than you, and I’m winning.
You said you represented the man in that case. Is there a percentage-wise way that you skew?
Before I started being the primary rainmaker at this firm, we probably represented more men. Right now I’d say it’s almost even. We represent the breadwinner, almost always. And a lot of the time that breadwinner is the woman. So we represent the money most of the time.
Why is that?
I don’t know. Sometimes they will both call, and we’ll be, like, let’s take the money. I think we get a lot of referrals from business managers, and entertainment attorneys, and agents—they jump on it quick because they’re covering their client, and so they want to lock us in.
So a change you’ve seen that over the past twenty-five years is that women have turned into—
And, let me tell you, a lot of them are like, Wait, what? I have to pay spousal support? This guy’s been sitting on the couch for twenty years, never doing anything, we were both stars in business school, he decided he wanted to write a script, I’m killing it out here and I’m also going to have to write a child support check, and I have to split everything I made, my I.R.A., my 401k, with this guy who’s in boxers at three o’clock in the afternoon? I said, Well, of course. If the genders were reversed, you wouldn’t think it was weird at all.
Whichever side of the equation, whether it’s a man or a woman, do you think that’s fair? Would you like to see that changed?
I think it depends, and I think that one place where the law is pretty good about applying a holistic look is to spousal support. You look at all these factors: Did the person work before, did the person go to school, does the person have a disability, are your kids in school? If you have two breastfeeding infants, you’re not going to go work, or if you’ve been married for twenty-five years, and now you’re getting divorced, and your husband was always a mega-agent at C.A.A., you’re not gonna work at the Lancôme counter at Saks. So all the factors play in. Do I think people should contribute to their own support and the support of their children? Yeah! But people have a certain life style, and to think that all of a sudden that’s gonna change because now the albatross has been cut from around your neck is naïve.
When I hear, Now I have to support this layabout who’s been sitting on the couch, it annoys me, because I bet she also did a lot of stuff with the kids that he didn’t do, whereas if it were reversed, she was probably also taking care of the children and the home. Of course, this is all stereotyping, but . . .
But it has changed, particularly if you’re in Southern California. Here you really do have dads who are the primary caretaker. And you have dads that are the ones who are packing the school lunches and making the playdates, much more than other places.
Yeah, my husband does a lot of that.
But it would still annoy you if you had to pay support. [Laughs.] I’m sure it annoys anybody that has to. I can say to people, Hey, I get it. I get how it feels the first time . . . I mean, I’m a mom first and foremost, and the first time my kids spent the night away, I was, like, ugh, and the second time I was like, O.K., I’ll have a glass of wine, take a bath, there’s nobody here bugging me. And the third time I went out on a date, and the fourth time I brought somebody home! You can’t do that when you’ve got your kids. So you figure it out, and to be able to say that to people, maybe in a little bit less of a racy way, is a comfort to them. They’re like, O.K., you get it, you’ve been through this, and I have really had the whole panoply of experiences. I’ve had a stepdaughter, my younger son has a half-sister who I raised for a while. I have been a lot of different things in family situations that have enabled me to share that. You don’t want to share too much—they’re paying you a lot of money, they don’t want to hear your thing—but to be able to be relatable is important.
You got married early, and it was dissolved easily—
When you’ve got nothing, it’s easy to do that.
But you decided consciously that you wouldn’t marry again. Was that ever on the table?
I mean, never say never. Luke’s dad, my first baby daddy, he’s a little more traditional. He probably wanted to, but life just passed us by. We had the baby, the baby was planned, we bought a house. It was very traditional but for the marriage part of it. And then, with Jack’s dad, we shared assets, he lived with me, it was also traditional. And he is from Kentucky, so we didn’t tell his extended family the first time we brought Jack home that we weren’t married, because they were much more traditional. And so they thought we were married, I guess. They assumed.
What was it that made you not get married? Was it the grief you saw?
No, because I had grief with both of those breakups. And then, right at the beginning of covid, I broke up with a seven-year relationship, which was really painful. So you don’t avoid the grief, and even the legal . . . I know the legal, it wouldn’t have been that hard to do. I don’t know, I mean, I’m glad I got married that one time because I think when I was a kid I probably did have those Barbie-girl fantasies and all that, but I also feel like I did it once, check. I didn’t really need to do it again.
Do you believe in monogamy?
I believe in monogamy. I don’t know if I believe in forever monogamy. I think you go through different stages as a human, and if you find a person who is able to grow and evolve with you and you guys grow together, and you stay in love, God bless! I also think, from what I have been able to observe over my fifty-four years, that most people end up growing apart for whatever reason. Either they don’t communicate enough, or whatever. What I don’t believe in is people staying together if they’re not flourishing—particularly if they have kids. I think it’s better for kids to see two happy parents, even if they’re not together, than two miserable parents. So I’m not a proponent of divorce; I’m just somebody who will facilitate your divorce either in this office or online with Divorce.com, if you’ve gotten to a point where you realized that you need to get to the next chapter in your life. And that person—although they are a family member, and you will love them, and they will come to Thanksgiving, and you will commiserate with them when your kid gets caught vaping in the bathroom in tenth grade—they’re not gonna be the person you share a bed with every night.
It’s interesting to consider your own choice to go into this firm and work with your father. You practice family law and you literally decided to go into the family business.
I fell into it, never thought I would have done it. Even graduating from law school, I started working for the Western Law Center for Disability Rights. I was dealing with putting ramps in places, I was married. I got married after my second year of law school, and then after I took the bar I was, like, Oh, this isn’t going to work out. So I came to my dad and I said two things. One, I need a job for while I’m waiting to get my bar results, because I was doing nonprofit. He was, like, You’re not working here. We don’t do nepotism here. And I was, like, Can you help me out, because Alvaro and I are splitting up, I need the rent money, and I also probably need to do my divorce. And he was, like, O.K., you can work here, We’re not gonna pay you as much as the other clerks that we have here because we already filled those spots. You can figure out how to do your own divorce thing, and I’m not paying for another wedding, ever. So just know that. I was, like, O.K.!
Were your parents disappointed that you got divorced?
I don’t think so. They were so cool. I remember when they both walked me down the aisle, and we were about to go, and they were playing Pachelbel’s Canon, and I go, How crazy is this? And they looked at each other over my head and were, like, Oh, great. I was twenty-five and I was a wild child.
A wild child how?
Ugh, I partied, I lived all over. I did my junior year of high school in Switzerland at a boarding school called the American School in Switzerland. I was bored. My parents were really young. My mom had me when she was twenty-one. They were like, You wanna go where? We moved to Beverly Hills because it’s a great school district. And I was like, I know, I’m getting straight As in all the A.P. classes. But I was bored to death. And my parents knew I was getting . . . I mean, Beverly Hills in the eighties . . . There was no fentanyl.
Was it like “Less Than Zero”?
It was totally “Less Than Zero.” And I wasn’t at risk, but there was a lot . . . Robert Downey, Jr., we partied with him and Johnny Depp when we were little. I loved being here, but I also always wanted to travel. And then I lived in Australia for a year before I started college, went to N.Y.U. for two years, came back, graduated from Cal as a rhetoric major, met this guy from Spain, lived in Spain. I was all over. I never thought I’d be so provincial as to be working at my daddy’s firm in Century City. Never. But I started working here and I liked it. I love the human-nature aspect of hearing people’s stories, digesting information. It’s a puzzle. You can come in, sit down, and be, like, I have this, my husband has this, our kids, and I can tell you in the first twenty minutes how it’s all gonna end up.
You can?
Yeah, not because I’m a genius but because I’ve been doing it a long time and California is a community-property state. It’s not that tough. And if I can do that, and say, This is probably how it’s gonna end up, how can we make this a little bit better for you, or whatever, how can we keep as much of this community pot for you guys and your kids as opposed to the lawyers and forensic accountants and child-custody evaluators, how do we do that? And they’re usually pretty appreciative of that.
When people come with a kind of revenge mind-set—
I usually send them elsewhere. Vicki [Wasser’s legal assistant] is the gatekeeper. She talks to them before they ever get to me, so she’ll give me the basics about somebody. This is how long they’ve been married, this is who referred them, this is how much money they have, this is who works, how many kids, is there a prenup, whatever. And then I’ll decide whether we’re going to set a call with the person, and then I have a call with the person, and Vicki can usually weed out . . . [Laughs.] At the bottom, it’ll say, “Run!” So we’ll send them elsewhere, because it seems like someone who isn’t realistic.
What are other red flags?
Just any totally unrealistic expectation. Somebody that says, The kids should be with me full-time, I’m the mom. Or, he cheated on me. And I’ll be like, Well, he can be a terrible spouse—that doesn’t mean that your kids shouldn’t see their dad. Or, sometimes when they don’t want to talk, when there’s always an assistant calling, I’m, like, No, give them to somebody else. I don’t have time.
Obviously people are coming to you in a vulnerable state. Do you feel like they want you to be their mommy?
Mommy, therapist, girlfriend in a girl-girl way. And I also know a lot of colleagues who are very willing to slip right into that role, because it’s cheap billing. Yes, tell me about your day, yes, tell me about how much you hate him. In this town, and in this socioeconomic bracket, most of those people are already in therapy of one kind or another, so I will say, This is a much better conversation to have with your therapist, I’m not qualified, I don’t know. I can tell you what I think the best way to act is when you’re talking to your kids, I definitely think you should do it together, I definitely think you should be on the same page, it’s not your fault, we love you, we’re still a family, all that. After that, it’s pretty hard for me to bring anything to the table except for my own experience, and what good does that do them?
I feel like you need to have very strong boundaries to do your job.
Yeah, it’s interesting. Here’s another thing that I’ll say about the rich and famous. They want to talk about them. And it’s also very interesting, after it’s done—I mean, you get very close with these people, and you do know everything. Sexual proclivities, everything! And then you see them—because this is a small town, you see them at dinner in Malibu, you’re wearing your beach dress with your kids, and your hair is all beachy waves, and they’re having their dinner, and they will literally, like, smile and wave and whatever, but you don’t need to come over to my table, and I don’t need to come over to your table. Because I probably remind you of the worst time of your life, and you’re very appreciative that I got you through it, but, besides that, we’re good.
I was thinking about the issue of the white dress, the princess, and your expertise in the dissolution of this fantasy, which posits that as a woman, someone’s gonna take care of you, and it’s going to last forever. It struck me that everything you do is against that in some way. Not that you’re saying women can’t be homemakers if they want to, but the Feminine Mystique fantasy is shattered.
Well, don’t get me wrong, Naomi, there are plenty of women who come in here, they’ve been married for twenty something years, they’ve got every credit card in their wallet with their husband’s name on it, they can get a table at any restaurant in this city, they have a personal shopper, they get divorced, they get a ton of support, they get half of everything, and then they go marry somebody else. And I don’t judge them. That’s their gig. And so I don’t know if what I’m doing is particularly . . . I mean, the way I do it myself is, I’m a feminist, because I support myself and I don’t have to worry about somebody else, but at the same time, my job is to get them divorced and to get them the best deal possible under the circumstances. There are plenty of women—men, too, but more women—that will sit there and go, I couldn’t possibly live on two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a month. How am I going to do that? My kids need to fly private, they’ve never . . . And I can sit there and roll my eyes and be, like, Bitch, I’ve been working, clawing—but what’s the point? That’s their life style, that’s their reality, my job is to get them that three a month so that they don’t have to ever fly first class and go through LAX, and their kids won’t—I apply the law to their situation. So I think in some ways what we do is completely feeding into that old time whatever. There were a ton of women I went to school with at Berkeley who were super bright, and they would tell you, they were Kappa Kappa Gammas, they were getting married, and the reason I’m here is to find the wealthiest guy that I can find so I can get married and stop working.
Did you ever have that fantasy?
No. It was more of a Depression-era mentality, out of fear, more than anything else. I just never wanted to have to depend on anybody else. My parents told me, We’ll support you as long as you’re in school. That party ended, and I had a certain . . . My brother is very different. He’s a therapist. He lives much more simply. I like shoes and bags and Capri in the summer, and I wasn’t gonna depend on somebody else to provide that, so I better work hard and do it myself.
Do you ever interact with the children of your clients?
Very rarely. I try not to. I don’t think it’s fair to the children. There are people whose kids I met later. There’s a guy I represented over twenty years ago now. Dad custody was a little bit different when I started practicing; it’s evolved. And this guy really wanted to have shared custody. He wanted fifty-fifty. He knew he could do it. He actually cut down on his work hours. He adjusted everything so he could take care of his daughter, she was, like, two. And the wife was, like, No way, she’s two, you don’t know. He took classes. This was at a time when I was representing four or five dads, and they would go to the park. There were no baby groups for them, I put them all together in a group, but I think now it happens a lot more. And every year he’d send me a picture of his daughter and say, I wanted to let you know that she’s graduating from school, and I was, like, O.K., I’m not just a divorce monger. I’m doing good. I’m helping people. And the wife and he ended up getting along well as co-parents after a while, and the girl was well-adjusted. She had a dad who taught her dad things and a mom who taught her mom things. I don’t have a lot of interaction with the kids, but . . . I’ll tell you another story. One time I was on the phone with a client, and he said, I know you care about kids and tell me that I have to be the bigger person and rise to the occasion with my ex, because she’s always shit-talking me, but I need you to hear this. This was back in the day of answering machines—he played this thing for me. And it’s his ex just going, You fucking piece of shit, everybody hates you, you’ve got a small dick, you’re a loser, on and on and on. And she goes, And I fucking hope you die, and right before the phone clicks, you hear, “I don’t hate you, Daddy.” The kid was there the whole time! Listening to all of that!
When you do that to your kid, that’s what I want to try to change. I want to normalize it a little, not so that it’s so easy to get a divorce—everybody criticized It’s Over Easy, it’s not easy, trust me—but it’s happening, and we need to make it better for our kids so they don’t grow up completely fucked up.
Are you dating now?
I would like to be. [Laughs.] I’m not dating anybody at the moment, no.
Are you on the apps?
No. I can’t. He’s out there. Look, I’ve never had a hard time finding somebody, and I’m pretty easy. I think it does probably get a bit more difficult when you get older, but it also gets easier, because you kind of know what you want. I’m not looking to get married or have kids. I just want somebody to have a nice meal with now and again and, as I said earlier . . .
Get laid.
Yeah. [Laughs.] ♦
Naomi Fry is a staff writer at The New Yorker.
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