Thursday 17 February 2022



Dear Diary:

My husband, son and I were on a Q train from Brooklyn to Manhattan. The car was fairly crowded, and we had to stand near one of the poles.

A young girl who was sitting next to her father leaned over to him. She might have been about 8.

“This train is really old,” I heard her whisper into his ear.

A young man of perhaps 22 with hair dyed bright yellow was standing nearby.

“I’m sorry to interrupt,” he said, “I couldn’t help overhear. But did you know they started making this train when my grandfather was a boy?”

Other passengers started to smile.

“And now they put them into the ocean when they’re done with them,” the young man added.

“Yeah,” someone else said. “They grow reefs in them!”

People started to nod in agreement.

“Your hair is golden!” an older woman shouted to the young man.

He laughed.

“My friends and I had a little bit too much fun last night and this is what happened,” he said. “My mom’s going to kill me.”

“Well, I think you look spunky,” the older woman said.

— Suzanne Pettypiece

Illustrated by Agnes Lee. 

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