Saturday, 31 October 2020


The print copy of THE NEW YORKER March 7, 2016

As all New Yorkers know, the best section 
in the New York Times bar none is the “Sunday Routine.” . . . Seems like everyone does pretty 
much the same stuf on Sunday. So what makes 
the “Sunday Routine” section so fascinating?

Up and at ’em: My day starts at 
seven, when our dog, Percival, and 
our kids, Madisonaddison and Andersoncooper, jump into bed with us. Percival is a Pigapoo, which is a very rare 
breed. It’s a cross between a Shih Tzu 
and a pig. Percival has breathing problems, because he’s an afront to God’s 
plan and isn’t supposed to exist, so we 
have to be very careful when we’re 
roughhousing with him, or he’ll sufocate and we’ll have to introduce our 
kids to the concept of death. 
we throw all our healthy habits out the 
window and really indulge, so it’s nothing but salami, doughnuts, and vegetable oil. Brian, my husband, makes the 
meanest salami-doughnut-vegetable oil slop.
BREAKING A SWEAT: I like to get exercise out of the way in the morning 
so I can relax for the rest of the day. 
Right now, I’m completely obsessed 
with the Dock Method, which is this 
thing where you work on the docks for 
a few hours, tossing cargo into shipping holds, and they pay you $6.75 an 
hour. The guys in my class are super 
ripped, which is very motivating. 
CULTURE CLUB: After we’ve had our 
breakfast and moved around a little, 
we like to do something culturally en￾riching as a family, so usually it’s of to 
the Met to stroll through the vaults 
where they keep the stolen Nazi art. 
We have a platinum membership, which 
gets you into all the chambers.
UNPLUG AND UNWIND: We’ve recently started doing this thing where 
we totally disconnect for a few hours, 
and it’s been really liberating. No cell 
phones, no iPads, no laptops, nothing. 
We don’t even use language. We limit 
ourselves to vowel sounds and grunts, 
and just get back in touch with our 
primal selves, roaming around the 
apartment, pissing and shitting at will, 
and foraging for scraps of salami. 
GENDER CHECK-IN: We don’t want 
the kids to be influenced by us or by 
society or by anybody when it comes 
to choosing their genders, so we’re giv￾ing them time to decide, and they’re 
still thinking about it. We don’t want 
their decision to be influenced by the 
genitals that they happened to be born 
with, so we keep them dressed in 
breathable-cotton chastity belts, and 
as soon as they decide their genders 
we’ll take them of so they can see which 
sex organs they have. They’re only sophomores, so we’ve still got time before 
the big college search.
GROCERY SHOPPING: Sometimes, in 
the afternoon, we’ll go grocery shop￾ping for the week. Get milk, eggs, bread. 
Stuf like that.
check in with my secret family for a 
few hours—make sure the heat’s on, 
that there are groceries in the fridge, 
that kind of thing.
PERCIVAL’S P.T.: Because Percival is 
such a special breed, he has several genetic defects. For example, he was born 
without legs. Brian takes him to physical therapy at a wonderful vet we’ve 
been going to for years, and he’ll practice strengthening his neck so that he 
can pull himself forward.
Nothing makes you feel more grateful 
to be alive than popping into a pediatric oncology ward, saying, “Come on, 
everybody!,” and whisking all the pa￾tients away to see the hit Broadway 
musical “Hamilton.” Even though many 
of the children are terminal cases, they 
can still heed Alexander Hamilton’s tip 
to not waste their shot with the time 
they’ve got left.
DINNER: On Sunday nights, we like 
to take it easy and stay in, so Brian will 
do something simple, like take some 
olive oil, salt, and lemon and sprinkle 
it on a huge pile of salami, doughnuts, 
and vegetable oil. 
ODDS AND ENDS: When the dishes 
are done, I’ll catch up on e-mail, help 
the kids with their homework, and see 
if any of my bids on Nazi-plundered 
art have come through. 
WATCH “KINGPIN”: We’ll watch 
“Kingpin” a couple of times. Once for 
laughs, and once more to appreciate 
the craft.
BEDTIME: After a glass of liquid 
melatonin, a few minutes of meditation, some gentle stretching, and a Motrin 800, I’m out like a light. 

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