Monday, 20 April 2020


By Hussein Lumumba Amin

Picture: French President Emmanuel Macron wearing a mask recently in public (Though a few years ago his country actually banned women from wearing the face veil in public).

Instead of adding facemasks in the list of ways to protect oneself from catching the disease (just like hand-washing, not touching ones face, and social distancing), some governments and institutions have gone out of their way to actually discourage people from wearing face masks altogether.
Pseudo-science has a history of having difficulty accepting it's mistakes, and usually those mistakes are derived from scientists getting involved in socio-political agenda''s and beliefs that have nothing to do with scientific research.
For example, that was the dangerous case of eugenics (the idea of racial cleansing that Hitler used to justify the extermination of Jews). Reknown European and American scientists had established eugenics as a consensus mainstream science, when in essence it was just bigotry, and that has been fully established ever since the Red army first marched into the Auschwitz Jewish concentration camp and were the first to discover the horrors going on therein under the Nazi's.
As the world grapples with the Corvid-19 pandemic, there is a debate emerging about the use of face masks, and the general public is being advised to not wear facemasks. Regrettably, this completely bogus and dangerous advise is coming from otherwise respectable medical and government institutions 
The claim is that masks are not efficient, and people wearing them deprive the professionals from finding face masks on the market to protect themselves in the course of their important work of saving lives during the pandemic.
First of all if professionals need the masks to protect themselves, then that means that the masks are efficient in protecting anyone from getting infected with the corona virus. 
As we watch all the grim news reports about the corona virus abroad, and we see all those people wearing face masks (from the doctors to the nurses, the leaders, the first responders, the general public and even the police and the military in the most affected countries) the question then becomes are all these professional and non professional people stupid to wear masks?
Meanwhile here in Africa, after ignoring the corina virus danger until just recently, face masks seem to have now become a sort of fashion statement attire. In the process, many are wearing them improperly. I regularly see people who have removed the mask from covering their mouth and nose, and now place it under their chin as they go about in public spaces.
This immediately indicates that people are still not taking the corona virus danger seriously, and/or they possibly do not fully understand the actual purpose of a face mask.
It is possibly until people start dying on the streets from the corona virus that most might start taking such measures seriously.
The exact dismissive behaviour that has caused the incredible numbers of deaths and infections in countries like Spain and Italy.
As I said, we in Africa have just some little time to be able to get the pandemic under control. Once the spread of the disease passes a certain threshold, we are finished.
So let me explain masks as briefly and as informatively as possible.
Statistics of mask wearing nation's compared to the rest indicate that the face mask is an important weapon in the fight against the corona virus because it helps slow, and even stop the spread of the pandemic.
Well just like a condom, if you do not wear a face mask properly, you leave your nose and mouth open to entry of the corona virus when you inhale air during breathing, and thus you can become infected by the Corvid-19 virus.
It's as simple as that.
Cover your nose and mouth properly to avoid getting infected because those are the two main entry points of the Corvid-19 virus into your body, down to your lungs where they then asphyxiate you to death as you gasp for air.
From a scientific perspective, research indicates three important functions served by the face mask:

1 - To Protect Yourself: The mask prevents someone from directly inhaling the corona virus into their lungs through their mouth and nose and getting infected.
2 - To Protect others: The mask prevents anyone who is knowingly or unknowingly carrying the virus, from spreading it to others. It traps the virus in the inside part of the mask so that a sick persons corona viruses do not go out into the air or on any surfaces and infect other people. (In this regard I'd rather stay away from people who are not wearing face masks)
3 - The mask limits the areas available for hand-to-face contact. As we have heard in many guidelines, most infections happen when people touch a contaminated surface, and then later put their hands on their mouth, nose and eyes.  Because we are naturally used to touching our face even subconsciously (without being aware that we are doing so), if you wear a mask, any viruses from the hands do not have direct access to your nose and mouth, which are the airways that the virus uses to get to your lungs and asphixiate you to death. The mask therefore protects you from yourself.

Many countries are now considering making it mandatory for everyone to wear a mask especially when out in public. Countries like Germany, Netherlands and the US are preparing such public health directives.
Why? Because it is working well in many countries as it helps people protect themselves, it also automatically helps people protect others, and therefore it ultimately helps stop the spread of the corona virus. So wear a facemask and wear it properly. It might turn out to be the most important thing you ever did to save yourself from getting killed by the Corona virus. Those who are discouraging people from wearing face masks better know that their utterances are comparable to putting people's lives in danger. They will have blood on their hands, because they advised the unsuspecting public that there is no need to wear a face mask. 
Signed: Mr. Hussein Lumumba Amin
Friday 3rd April, 2020

Extensive scientific research papers plus related data on the proper use of masks and the protection provided by them:

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