Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Understanding Manures and Fertilizers

Dr Samuel Nsubuga
Smart Agribusiness Forum Africa

Hello farmers and gardeners today we are here with a great information of Types of manure, Types of fertilizers and Difference Between Manure and Fertilizers. To increase agriculture, produce, the farmers work on improving the fertility of the soil, which is possible by adding both manure and fertilizer.
When several crops are grown one after the other, it decreases the productivity of the soil. Though, this can be overcome by adding manures and fertilizers to the soil. This increases the yield of the plants and restores the productivity of the soil. Thus, manures and fertilizers are paramount for efficient crop production.
Like most organisms, plants need a variety of nutrients in order to grow properly. These elements are normally present in the soil. When they are not, the plants suffer. Fertilizers were created to make up any soil deficiencies so that things can be grown in less than ideal spaces. However, the main nutrients found in fertilizer are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). They’re generally listed on labels in that order as well.
Of course your plants don’t know the difference between synthetic and organic fertilizers but you will, particularly in the long run. Synthetic fertilizers are known to degrade the quality of soil over time. You constantly need more to improve your garden. Synthetic fertilizers also contain salts. These compounds not only make the soil more acidic, they keep beneficial earthworms away. Regular watering of your plants can even move the nutrients in these compounds far enough from the plant roots that they won’t do any good. In addition, synthetic fertilizers are often made from non-renewable resources.
On the other hand, organic fertilizers improve garden soil where they are used. They not only assist with water retention, they also make the soil lighter so that more air is available to the plant roots. Organic fertilizers don’t waste nutrients like their chemical counterparts. Nor are they likely to create a build-up of salts that could dampen plant growth. These types of fertilizers even tend to be less likely to burn tender plant roots than synthetic products.
The slow working nature of organic fertilizers is beneficial if you’re looking to improve your garden soil over time. This aspect can nonetheless be a downside if you’re looking for instant results. (A good organic compromise when your plants need a sudden energy boost is liquid fertilizers or foliar sprays.) Gardeners should also be aware that organic fertilizers are biologically active. This means that their components can change over time and may slightly vary with each batch.
You do need to be careful when it comes to purchasing fertilizer. Those products stating they are ‘organic’ at first glance might not actually be. Make sure you read product labels carefully
 Now, let us get into the details of Difference Between Manure and Fertilizers.

MANURE refers to the natural substance that is obtained from the decomposition of the waste of plants and animals such as cow dung,piggery,goats, fish meal, etc.
The different sources of manure are given below;
• Cattle dung, urine, and slurry from biogas plants.
• Droppings of goat and sheep, piggery and poultry
• Waste from the slaughterhouses such as bones, meat, and hoof meal
• By-products of agricultural industries and fish waste
• Crop waste
• Weeds, water hyacinth
On the other hand, FERTILIZER is the chemical substances which can be added to the soil to raise its nutrient content. If you are planning for farming, you must  know about the ways to enhance the fertility of the soil. And fertilizer is a synthetic substance or an inorganic compound.

Manure can be mainly grouped as farmyard manure, green manure, and compost manure. Different types of manure contain 26% solid. The solid portion and liquid portions are segregated/broken/loosened and the solids are used for bedding. The carbon content and other elements can be used to generate different biofuels. Manure contains a large number of fibers. The undigested animal feed, straw, sawdust, and other bedding contains a lot of fiber.
The followings are some of the important organic manures are given below;
• Cow dung
• Farmyard manure
• Compost
• Poultry manures
• Oil cakes
• Blood meal
• Meat meal
• Fish meal
• Vermicompost
• Green manures etc.

• Green Manure
• Compost Manure
• Farmyard Manure

Green manure will increase the percentage of organic matter in the soil. The roots of such manures go deep into the soil and these help in the suppression of weeds and the prevention of soil erosion.
Green manuring is the practice of ploughing green plants into the soil for improving soil fertility. Green manure provides organic matter and nutrients such as Nitrogen and Phosphorous to the soil.
Green manure crops are formed in the field itself either as a pure crop, or as an intercrop with the main crop, and buried in the same field. 
Green manures also referred to as fertility building crops can be broadly defined as crops grown for the benefit of the soil.
Some of the Green manure crops are;
Alfalfa, wheat, Cowpea, beans, Groundnut, Millet, Mustard, Radishes, Sesbania, Sorghum, and Soybean.

• Adding organic matter to the soil
• Increasing biological activity
• Improving soil structure
• Reduction of erosion
• Increasing the supply of nutrients (particularly by adding nitrogen to the system by fixation)
• Reducing leaching losses
• Suppressing weeds
• Reducing pest and disease problems
• Providing supplementary animal forage
• Drying and warming the soil

Compost is a mixture of organic residues (manure, animal carcasses, straw, weeds, leaves, grasses, etc.) that have been piled, mixed and moistened to undergo decomposition
Compost manure improves the soil structure and water and nutrient holding capacity of the soil. Thus, it increases the nutrient value and thus improves the health of the plants.

Farmyard manure or FYM improves the soil structure and is used as a natural fertilizer in farming. FYM increases the soil capacity to hold more water and nutrients. It increases the microbial activity of the soil to improve its mineral supply and also the plant nutrients.
It is a mixture of animal faeces/dung/urine like cattle dung, urine, litter or bedding material, a portion of fodder not consumed by cattle and domestic wastes such as ashes, etc. collected and dumped into a pit or a heap in the corner of the backyard. It is allowed to remain there and rot until it is taken out and use to fields. Well rotten Farm Yard Manure or FYM contains O.5. % Nitrogen., 0.2 % Phosphorus and 0.5 % potassium.
FYM is a decomposed mixture of dung, and urine with straw and litter used as bedding material and residues from the fodder fed to the animals. Farm manure is a valuable soil improver that enhances and restores a variety of natural properties of the soil.

• Increases soil fertility
• A natural source of available nitrogen
• Adds humus and nutrients to the soil
• Aids water and nutrient retention
• Helps break down heavy soils
• Adds structure to light and sandy soils
• Attracts worms to the soil
• Ideal for mulching

• The method of adding manures is known as manuring. Manuring must be done at regular intervals, otherwise, the plants become weak. However, the use of manure has several drawbacks too. They can be rather difficult to transport and not nutrient specific.
• Fresh manure has microbes in it that can be dangerous. It must be incorporated into the soil when it is aged or composted. Do not apply fresh manure to edible crops that will soon be harvested or store manure next to generate storage or handling areas.
• Manures are bulky with low nutrition content.
• Manures are inconvenient to handle, store and transport.

Fertilizers are chemical substances supplied to the crops to increase their productivity and these are used by the farmers daily to increase the crop yield. The fertilizers have the essential nutrients required by the plants including nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. They enhance the water retention capacity of the soil and increase its fertility.
Fertilizers are economically beneficial to farmers. They expedite plant growth and are not so expensive to procure. The plants also have a superior appearance that means they appear greener and healthier when we use fertilizers.
However, fertilizers can harm the environment. They have synthetic chemicals that are not biodegradable. They can cause both soil and water pollution. Over time fertilizers make the soil acidic causing soil degradation. So, by comparing manure and fertilizers, fertilizers are a better source of nutrients for the plant, manure is a better alternative as far as the environment is concerned.

There are 13 nutrients that are vital for plants to grow and thrive. These can be divided into MACRO-NUTRIENTS, elements of which plants require large quantities, and MICRO-NUTRIENTS (elements that are required by the plant in smaller amounts). A micronutrient, though required in small doses, is not less vital for plant growth.

• Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K)
• Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Sulfur (S)

• Iron (Fe), Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Chlorine (Cl),
• Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), Zinc (Zn

The availability and mobility of these 13 plant nutrients in the soil and in the plant itself is highly variable, and this has implications for responsibly managing plant nutrition, fertilization and irrigation.

Fertilizers play a very important role in the development of crops by providing the required nutrients. They may improve the quality of crops. Fertilizers help improve yield, which is one of the most crucial requirements for bridging the gap between an ever-increasing human population and limited arable land.

Different types of fertilizers are mentioned below;
Inorganic fertilizers are chemical fertilizers that have nutrient elements for the growth of crops made by chemical means. The inorganic fertilizers are of the following types;
Nitrogen Fertilizers – Nitrogen fertilizers contain nitrogen essential for the development of crops. Nitrogen is the major constituent of chlorophyll that maintains a balance in the process of photosynthesis. It is a part of amino acids in plants and constitutes protein. Nitrogen fertilizers develop the production and quality of agricultural products. Nitrogen fertilisers include UREA,NPK,CAN, etc

Phosphorus Fertilizer – The major nutrient in a phosphorus fertilizer is phosphorus. The efficiency of fertilizer depends upon efficient phosphorus content, methods of fertilizing, properties of soil and crop strains. Phosphorus found in the protoplasm of the cell plays a very important role in cell growth and proliferation. The phosphorus fertilizer is useful for the growth of the roots of the plants. Example is DAP,SSP
Potassium Fertilizer – Potassium fertilizers work well in sandy soil to develop the quality of plants and vegetables by increasing the potassium content in inadequate fields.
The two main varieties of potassium fertilizer are;
1) Sulfate of potash and
2) Muriate of potash.
Sulfate of potash is made by treating potassium chloride with magnesium sulfate to generate a fertilizer that can be used to enrich garden soil any time up to sowing.

Organic fertilizers are natural fertilizers these are obtained from plants and animals. It enriches the soil with carbonic compounds essential for plant growth. Organic fertilizers increase the organic matter content of the soil, promotes the reproduction of microorganisms, and changes the physical and chemical properties of the soil. It is considered to be one of the main nutrients for green food.

Improper manure and fertilizer management can affect soil quality in the following ways;
Livestock manure can be a rich source of soluble ions that are sodium (Na ) and potassium (K ) because animals retain a very small amount of the salt they consume. Repeat applications of manure at rates exceeding agronomic conditions can contribute to saline soil conditions. The long-term buildup of sodium ions can harm soil structure by reducing soil particle aggregation.
Frequent traveling by loaded application equipment on wet soils could lead to soil compaction. Soil particles are squeezed together by compaction, reducing pore spaces obtainable for air and water storage. This can inhibit root growth and raise surface runoff.

The difference between manure and fertilizer can be given below;
• Manure can be described as an organic material prepared by decomposition of crop residue or animal excreta, which can be added to the soil to improve its fertility. Unlike, fertilizer is described as any substance (organic or inorganic), that is added to the soil, therefore, increase the yield of crops.
• As manure is generated out of the decayed plant and animal waste, it gives humus to the soil, which increases the water-holding capacity of the soil. Unlike, fertilizer does not give humus to the soil.
• The manure is mainly prepared in the field, by dumping the animal and plant waste in open pits, to decompose it. Conversely, fertilizers are formed in factories through the chemical procedure.
• Manure is not as rich as fertilizers in terms of plant nutrients, as fertilizers are rich in plant nutrients.
• As manure is insoluble in water and it is slowly absorbed by the soil. On the other hand, fertilizers obtain easily dissolved in water, and that is why it is used by the plants immediately.
• Manure is economical, as it can be prepared by farmers themselves, fertilizers are industrially manufactured chemical; it is costly.
• Manure does not cause any harm to the soil; actually, it raises the quality of the soil in the long run. In contrast, the use of fertilizer in excess can decrease the effectiveness of the soil, and it causes harm to the organism present in the soil.

Growing happy, healthy plants is not always easy! Plants need thirteen different minerals from the soil in order to fully develop. Six of these nutrients are needed in large quantities. These six essential nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur and calcium

1. Nitrogen: Nitrate (the form of nitrogen that plants use) helps foliage grow strong by affecting the plant’s leaf development. It is also responsible for giving plants their green coloring by helping with chlorophyll production 
2. Phosphorus: Phosphorus is responsible for assisting with the growth of roots and flowers. Phosphorus also helps plants withstand environmental stress and harsh winters 
3. Potassium: Potassium strengthens plants, contributes to early growth and helps retain water. It also affects the plant’s disease and insect suppression 
4. Magnesium: Magnesium contributes to the green coloring of plants 
5. Sulfur: Sulfur helps plant resist disease and grow and form seeds. They also aid in the production of amino acids, proteins, enzymes and vitamins 
6. Calcium: Calcium aids in the growth and development of cell walls. This is key because well-developed cell walls help resist disease. It is also necessary for metabolism and the “uptake of nitrate” 

At this stage, crops need more phosphorus than any other nutrient because it’s the phosphorus that’s responsible for DNA/RNA, ATP, cell membrane development in a plant hence its very necessary to kick start growth! This should be supplied along nitrogen….

This is the stage at which vegetative parts grow e.g branches, stems, leaves… growing of these requires food, which is manufactured best by use of nitrogen which facilititates chlorophyll. At this stage you need more nitrogen and magnesium than any other stage, the nitrogen is one that boosts process of protein production, which in turn is a building block for growing parts. Use fertilisers like UREA,CAN,NPK and supplement with vegetative foliar fertilisers like easy grow vegetative,di gro green

This stage needs more of potassium and trace elements. Trace elements are those nutrients needed in small quanities. These play of supplement small roles of the much needed nutrients. Forexample calcium helps build quality fuit skins,or outer walls,
Potassium is a macro nutrient, it plays a role of reducing and fighting stress in plants, brings life to the dying plants,reduces water loss, helps to boost the process of food breakdown by plants!!

More potassium,calcium and some trace elements is needed here depending on rop and fruit type, with reduced nitrogen but more trace elements! At this stage if possible reduce vegetative parts on the crops forexample; melons e cut off the end to avoid them growing longer, tomatoes e redue on leaves etc so that available trace nutrients focus on fruit development and plant well being!

Foliar fertilisers, are good nutrient supplies because they are easily taken up by plants and also provide high amounts of trace elements! These also have steps forexample easy starter is for root development, vegetative is for growth of vegetative parts, and fruit and flower 


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