Daily Shouts
Person talking to a firefighter.

Would I have seen any of the fires you’ve put out anywhere? Local news, maybe?

Ha. I bet you’re turning this conversation into a marketing campaign right now, aren’t you?

Person talking to a plumber who is fixing a toilet.

Keep at it—you’re on the right track. One day, that toilet will be unclogged, and I’ll be proud to say that I knew you.

How did you get your job, if you don’t mind my asking? I couldn’t even get an internship. I’ve heard it’s all about who you know. Isn’t your dad’s friend the head of sales at State Farm? Must be nice.

Person talking to a lawyer.

No, I don’t have a ton of experience representing people in court, but I’ve seen “The Good Wife,” and my mom once told me that I’d do a better job negotiating her divorce settlement than her idiot lawyer. (She got the house, but my dad got a new girlfriend, which I don’t actually think was the lawyer’s doing.) Anyway, how hard could it be?

I bet it’s really annoying when people just show up and tell you how to fly a plane. I would never do that. I’m just saying—it must be annoying when other people do. If they somehow strong-armed their way into the cockpit.

Person talking to an accountant.

If you have some time, would you mind looking over my taxes? I’d pay you, but this is fun for you, right?!

You’re a social worker? Sounds like somebody has a trust fund.

Person talking to someone working on a laptop.

It’s sweet that you followed your passion into supply-chain management! But what do you do for money?

Would you read this X-ray for me? I just did it quickly late last night, and it’s probably nothing, but I’d love your thoughts. Oh, it’s in the body of my e-mail. Or should I text it to you?

Person talking to a financial advisor.

No, I will not pay you to invest my retirement portfolio for me. Do you know how many kids on TikTok would do it for free?

Person talking to someone standing behind a podium.

It’s cute that you have a job that isn’t really a job. I’m jealous. I also sometimes wish I didn’t think about the future. You should really enjoy this time in your life, because someday—when you have a family and a mortgage and all of that grownup stuff—you’ll look back on these years and think, Aw, I’m glad I at least gave being President of the United States a shot. Even though you knew, in your heart of hearts, that it was never something you’d turn into a career. It’s fun to be young and free!

Unrelated: Can I send you my short film? I think it’s quite good. I can see it doing well at Sundance.